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Structure Types

Structure types group together objects of other types. They are defined with the structure keyword. For example, we can make a type out of two integer fields:

from int import Int
numerals Int

structure LatticePoint {
x: Int
y: Int

Field names must be lowercase. Structure types can't refer to themselves in their definition.

Structure Methods

When we define a structure type, it comes with a new method to create objects of this type. Methods are functions that are affiliated with a particular type. They can be used with a dot syntax, TypeName.method_name:

let origin: LatticePoint =, 0)

Each field also comes with a "projection" method, to get that field's value out of the structure.

theorem origin_x_is_zero {
LatticePoint.x(origin) = 0

For methods where the first argument is the type itself, you can use the dot syntax with the object itself. So LatticePoint.x(point) and point.x are equivalent.

theorem origin_y_is_zero {
origin.y = 0

Implicit Meaning

Structure types have two implicit theorems. One is that the new constructor can make every object of that type.

theorem new_is_surjective(p: LatticePoint) {
exists(x: Int, y: Int) {
p =, y)

The other implicit theorem is that the projection methods retrieve the arguments used to construct the structure.

theorem projection(x: Int, y: Int) {, y).x = x and, y).y = y


Structure types can also accept a constraint, to form a "constrained type".

structure OrderedIntPair {
first: Int
second: Int
} constraint {
first <= second

All types in Acorn must be inhabited, so when you define a constrained type, you must prove that it is possible to satisfy the constraints.

This can result in a by block after the constraint block. For example, you could prove this explicitly with:

structure OrderedIntPair {
first: Int
second: Int
} constraint {
first <= second
} by {
let first: Int = 0
let second: Int = 1
first <= second

When there is a constraint, the function is still defined on all of its arguments. But the projection theorem is only true when the constraint holds.

(If we decide to include Option types in the base language, we could make new return an Option instead.)